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Launch into the Deep

There is a popular saying that what is not done well is not done at all. This aligns with the scriptural text that says, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going” (Ecclesiastes 9:10).

God has never called anyone or given anyone a task that demands little of their time or strength; rather, it demands all of their strength, attention, and time. Just as in our love for Him, we are called to love Him with all our heart, mind, soul, and strength.

In Luke 5, Jesus met two fishermen who had toiled all night with no result. Jesus asked Simon if he had caught any fish, but Simon said, “We have caught nothing.” Then Jesus asked him to launch into the deep for a catch. When he obeyed, it was an astonishing miracle that brought him to his knees in tears.

Deep also implies going beyond the normal; it means giving all diligence, strength, and time to the assignment God has given us. We should not expect to see God at work in any assignment or project if all our strength is reserved, because until our strength is exhausted, God will not release His grace.

One evidence that an assignment is from God is that the resources needed to fulfill it are beyond human reach. In every assignment, God intervenes where human effort ends so that ultimately only His grace is evident. So, until we launch into the deep, we should not expect miracles.

Right from the beginning of Christian Faith Ministries, we see miracles of God’s providence as the ministry experiences miraculous growth. CFM started in 2007 in a rented building with few staff and had no partners or sponsors. In what appeared unreasonable and hopeless, but with faith in God’s word and a deeper concern for the work, over the years, God has shown Himself mighty.

Kent and Ruth, along with his team launched deeper, they gave the whole of their little strength, just as the little bread and fish Jesus took from a boy among the crowd. God took over the work from a hopeless beginning to a stage where CFM is now sitting on its permanent site (Wurin Alheri) in the Du community, Jos South, Plateau State.

Of course, everything big starts small; CFM started with barely ten staff and has grown to around 440 staff, and we’re still growing. From a monthly spending on salary went from less than a million naira to approximately 70 million naira.

CFM began with just a Bible college (Christian Faith Institute) and now has several arms, which include a church with branches within Plateau State and other states, a hospital, mission fields across Nigeria (about 200 mission stations), and Healing Justice, which is responsible for paying school fees for poor children across Nigeria. Marah House is an arm that takes in persecuted women and single or pregnant women who are victims of rejection after unplanned pregnancies.

Computer centers have been established in strategic crisis areas: eight (8) in Plateau State, one in Abuja, and one in Adamawa State to heal the divide between warring communities and empower the youth with necessary skills. CFM operates both primary and secondary schools at its permanent site in Du, Jos South, Plateau State, as well as in Abuja, and has a primary school in Bauchi to improve the literacy levels of children from less privileged backgrounds.

Vocational centers that have trained many youths free of charge have been established in various places like Du, Jos South, and Mangu Local Government Areas of Plateau State. A widow/women’s skill acquisition center in Miango, Bassa Local Government Area of Plateau State, brings both Muslim and Christian women under one umbrella.

As insurgency grew in northern Nigeria, along with various communal crises and incidents of domestic violence, many children lost their parents, and some parents lost everything they depended on to survive. As a result, these children were exposed to the harsh realities of poverty, leading to a lack of education and early marriage.

In view of the above, CFM established Crisis Home to support children from poor or challenging backgrounds across various states. CFM operates a Crisis Home at its permanent site in Du and another in Abuja, currently housing a total of 380 children at the time of writing this. These children, including the children of missionaries who evangelize in villages throughout Nigeria, receive quality education, free medical care, clothing, and vocational skills training.

Other arms or initiatives that focus on human capital, community development, and related areas have been established with the hope of addressing all life challenges and issues as directed by God.

As of now, monthly running costs, including staff wages, feeding, maintenance, and fueling of vehicles, amount to no less than 170 million naira. This is indeed a miracle!

The formula for this miracle is simply launching into the deep. It is beyond CFM’s ability; it is not to him that runneth, but to God that shows mercy.

When we are ready to go deeper or launch further, we are prepared to experience God’s astonishing miracles. Instead of trying to save our lives, we need to fully commit ourselves to the Master’s call, employing our entire being rather than just a part of us. With all your strength, heart, mind, and soul, this is the formula.

Again, are you ready to see the wonder-working hand of God at work in your life, project, or ministry? Just launch into the deep.

God bless you!

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Christian Faith Ministries Wurin Alheri, Latyi-Du, Jos South. PMB 2011, Plateau State



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