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The coming of God’s kingdom and His dwelling with His people on earth was the major theme in the prophets. Jesus Christ came for this reason, and when His disciples asked Him to teach them how to pray, He said, “…Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven” (Matt. 6:10).

In a separate occasion, Jesus once again lectured his disciples on the issue concerning the kingdom of God. Many had thought that the kingdom would come with specific signs or in a visible location, but Jesus told them that they should not be expecting someone to come and say that here or there is God’s kingdom. “The kingdom of God does not come with observation; nor will they say, ‘See here’ or ‘See there!’ For the kingdom of God is within you” (Luke 17:20-21).

In simple terms, Jesus Christ was telling the disciples and also us today that God’s kingdom is His presence in people’s hearts, transforming and renewing His creation. It becomes visible when transformed hearts begin to reach out in love and humility to serve. The kingdom of God is not like a fallen cloud or balloon that will drop and cause people to rush toward it; rather, it is God ruling in the hearts of people, bringing peace to His creation.

Wherever there are transformed hearts, God’s kingdom is present, for where two or three are gathered in my name, I am in their midst” (Matt 18:20). His kingdom is a kingdom of peace, for He is the God of peace. Peace characterizes God’s kingdom; where there is no unity or peace, God’s kingdom is absent.

Peace and God’s kingdom are inseparable: ‘…of the increase of his government and peace, there will be no end’ (Isa. 9:7). Those who belong to God’s kingdom will strive, as far as it depends on them, to live in peace with all people, regardless of the sacrifices involved. The government of Christ, or God’s kingdom, is the solution to the world’s crisis.

Isaiah painted a picture of what God’s kingdom would look like: ‘…the wolf shall dwell with the lamb, the leopard shall lie down with the young goat. The calf, the young lion, and the fatling shall be together; and a little child shall lead them. The cow and the bear shall graze, and their young ones shall lie down together…’ (Isa. 11:6-9). What a beautiful image!

Today, Isaiah’s prophecy has been fulfilled; God’s kingdom has come and is ruling through transformed hearts. Jesus Christ, on the cross, destroyed the hostility that was within us (among separate groups), thus making peace through His own blood. His kingdom is a kingdom of reconciliation and not the other way around.

In Plateau State, specifically in Bukuru, Jos-South was rife with many crises, and religion was the major factor. So when Kent and Ruth Hodge, along with their team, came around 2007 to start CFI, the crisis was pronounced. There was a serious crisis in which houses belonging to both Christians and Muslims, as well as mosques and churches, were burned. At that time, in many of the streets in Bukuru, Christians did not have free access because of the rifts between Christians and Muslims.

CFM introduced a kingdom reconciliatory action backed by the message of forgiveness. As a Christian organization, it was initially easy for the Muslim side to ignore the CFM team. However, when they saw that CFM was acting differently, even the youth sheathed their swords, and the hostility ceased.

Scholarships were awarded to more than 300 children from the Muslim community in Bukuru and Bisichi, covering both primary and secondary education. Some have graduated and are now in higher institutions, while others are still in primary or secondary school. Many Muslim youths are working with CFM at various computer centers across the state.

A reasonable quantity of foodstuffs was bought at that time and shared on a weekly basis within the Muslim community. With the help of Barrister Abdul from the Bukuru community, a friend of the ministry and currently leading CFM’s legal team, peace was fostered. Every year, CFM provides aid to widows in both kind and cash to Muslims and Christians alike, helping to heal the divide.

Later, a computer center was established that accepts the same percentage of Christian and Muslim youth, teaching them free computer skills and, most importantly, uniting them. It was initially very difficult for the youth to come together under one roof, but now it has become a prayer answered.

Recently, a CFM staff member went to one of the Muslim schools in Bukuru to register a final year examination (WAEC) for a Muslim girl, Zainab Ishaku, who has been on CFM’s scholarship. She is the head girl of the school. Her father passed away many years ago, and her mother is currently ill.

While talking to a CFM staff member, Zainab, who was overwhelmed with joy, said she was surprised when she learned that CFM is a Christian organization. She grew up with the mentality that a Christian would not want to help a Muslim girl like her; she used to take things the opposite way, but the barrier in her mind has been removed. So Zainab said that because of this, she has promised that wherever she finds herself in life tomorrow, whoever comes her way, she will help, whether they are Christian or Muslim.

Peace is not possible if we do not work for it; we must be ready to invest our love, time, and money to have a bountiful harvest of peace. We must deny ourselves and put on Christ, who gave Himself for His enemies.

When CFM began to offer scholarships to children from Muslim backgrounds, many from Christian backgrounds started to criticize the initiative. The same occurred when CFM, in partnership, began immunizing Fulani cows. Some people asked, “Aren’t these the same Fulanis who are killing us? Why should money be wasted on people who do not even have the capacity to forgive?”

Today we have many Christless Christians; they have limited knowledge about God’s kingdom and how it operates. They don’t understand that the kingdom of God conquers with love and forgiveness, not with unforgiveness or hate. By loving those who are hostile to us, we can defeat them. This is how God’s kingdom conquers enemies and brings peace.

We, as the people of God’s kingdom, have a role to play. We must follow Christ at all times for His kingdom to be established in our homes, communities, nation, and the entire world.

God’s kingdom is the driving force of CFM, and everything done is kingdom-driven rather than self-motivated. Self-promotion, strife, violence, or human interest cannot yield peace; only God’s will and His kingdom can.

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Christian Faith Ministries Wurin Alheri, Latyi-Du, Jos South. PMB 2011, Plateau State



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